Free Webinar: May the 30th 2024

Small fibers neuropathy in various neurological condition on May the 30th 2024 – 11PM AEST (Sydney time) 3 PM (Paris time)

Pr. Juan Idiaquez
Dr. Eugenia Cisneros
Dr. Beatriz Tijero Merino

To attend, please fill in the form below


Sudomotor dysfunction is a common clinical manifestation that is often one of the earliest detectable signs of peripheral and autonomic neuropathies.

The ADA has identified sudomotor dysfunction as one of the major clinical manifestations of diabetic autonomic neuropathy.

Small fibers neuropathy is also one of the earliest complications in many neurological conditions as Gougerot Sjögren, amyloidosis, Fabry disease, Chemotherapy induced neuropathies etc.

To accurately assess sweat gland function, SUDOSCAN offers a quick and non-invasive test with reproducible results. In less than three minutes, SUDOSCAN allows physicians to detect and follow-up of autonomic small fibers “C-fibers” leading to a better management of the etiology and its appropriate treatment.

Webinar Details

In this webinar on May 30th, 3PM (CET), Pr. Juan Idiaquez, Dr. Eugenia Cisneros and Dr. Beatriz Tijero Merino will present the main findings of their recent studies with SUDOSCAN in Patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, amyloidosis and Parkinson’s disease.

About our guests

Pr. Juan Idiaquez, Professor of neurology, works at the Neurology Department at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Dr. Eugenia Cisneros is a senior postdoctoral researcher at the Research Health Institute of the Balearic Islands (IdlSBa), Spain.
Dr. Beatriz Tijero Merino, Consultant Neurologist, works at the Hospital Universitario Cruces, Bilbao, Spain.

Key Learning Objectives

– Discover SUDOSCAN’s effectiveness in early detection and management of autonomic small fibers “C-fibers”
– Learn about the role of SUDOSCAN in patient management and treatment follow-up

How to Attend

To attend this webinar on May 30th, 2024, at 11PM AEST Sydney time | 3 PM (CET), please click on this link:
Or contact us for a recording.